Una triestina in Australia


The AMMER site

AMMER (Archivio Multimediale della Memoria dell’Emigrazione Regionale) Multimedial Archive Memoirs of Regional Emigration, is a digital archive which collects photographs, documents and interviews recorded by the protagonists of emigration from Friuli Venezia Giulia. AMMER was opened with the first 100 interviews and 5.000 photographs, collected in Argentina and Uruguay. Over the course of the years the research has been gradually extended to all those countries where migratory flows from the region went. The following stages involved Canada, Australia, United States of America, Venezuela and, in Europe, France, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium. The research continues in Brazil, South Africa, Norhern and Eastern Europe. AMMER has been designed so that people can take part in it. The emigrants, their families and their descendants are directly involved as witnesses and have supplied the documentation; at the same time they can use the information first hand, together with scholars and all interested parties.

The research, the computerisation and the cataloguing of the materials which make up AMMER are carried out in the families in the countries where they are resident abroad.
Material which can be found in the region are also included on the AMMER site, that is, material from institutions, archives and private and public bodies. The first stage involved the computerising of all the wealth of photographs of the Museo dell’Emigrazione di Cavasso Nuovo (the Museum of Emigration in Cavasso Nuovo) in the province of Pordenone.

Anyone can send their own story and any photographs they have directly to AMMER; he can reproduce them in digital form and accompany them with the catalogue card filled in on Internet. Or they make the material available to the cataloguers who are working on the project, and who will go directly to collect the information with the appropriate equipment and will also see to the cataloguing of each object, photograph and document.

Consultation of the archive requires the usual search techniques by name and theme (under Search) but is also made easier by access to chronological and geographical maps: “The Time Line” and the “Emigration Maps”, located on the right in the home page.

A particular space is given over to the journey itself: you can reach this particular space from the home page by clicking on ‘the journeys’.

AMMER also offers a summary of the history of emigration from Friuli Venezia Giulia: the introduction can be found on the home page under the “History of Emigration from the Region”. This then follows along “The Time Line”, divided into four periods, identified as significant moments in time: the so-called “great emigration”, from the last two decades of the 19th century until 1914, the enforced stagnation between the two World Wars (1915–1939), the resumption after the Second World War (1940-1968) and the ‘end’ of emigration (from 1969 to the present day). Every country dealt with in AMMER is the subject of an in-depth historical study. Particular information, regarding specific moments and episodes, are available by choosing individual years along “The Time Line”.

AMMER has been set up by the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in collaboration with the Universities of Trieste and Udine.
The bodies which have created AMMER and are working on it are: the Regional Centre for Cataloguing and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (www.beniculturali.regione.fvg.it) , the SILCE (http://www.emigrazione.regione.fvg.it  ) the Department of Economy, Society and Territory of the University of Udine (http://web.uniud.it/dest) in Udine; the Department of History and History of Art of the University of Trieste, in Trieste (www.units.it/storia/).



 the names

 who what when where

 the interviews


 the timeline

 the journeys 

 the stories 


Tell a story about emigration
Write your story or that of a relative, a friend or someone you know. You can add photographs, other documents, multimedia files, read it in AMMER and tell others about it.

AIRE “Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all'Estero” (Register of births, marriages and deaths of Italians Abroad)
The statistical data, updated to June 2006, of the citizens of Friuli Venezia Giulia residing abroad, by Province, by ATO (Ambiti Territoriali Ottimali), by Municipality, by Continent and Country of destination.

visit the website